Finish setting up Dynamics 365 Trial

In my last post, Getting started with Dynamics 365 trial, I had covered some of the best practices to follow when starting with the new trial instance. Continuing further let’s look into finishing the setup, and starting the Digital Transformation journey at the “front of the house” i.e. the Sales module.

Just to pick up from where we left in the last part of this series, once the trial subscription form is submitted, the below screen will appear with a setup progress ring for a while, and once things have been setup, one should be good to click on the “Setup” button.

It is important to save the info displayed related to “Sign-in page” and “Your user ID”, and every time one needs to browse to the trial instance, they can either go to or to access the trial instance. Once browsed through any of the above, the Microsoft logon information may be asked, and that is where the “Your User ID” will be of use.

Next, click on the “Set up” button, pick the Microsoft account, if asked, and let the environment finish its job of finishing the setup for you. Once the setup is finished, I would suggest to hit the same URL from where we started – – and this time, follow the obvious steps.

  1. Keep Dynamics 365 Sales module selected, as above.
  2. Provide the “Work email” with your new Microsoft User ID (e.g.
  3. Provide the phone number that was provided at the time of trial subscription
  4. Click “GET STARTED >”

Following screen message may appear –

Click “OK, got it”.

The system will start setting up the Dynamics 365 Sales module. Once the setup is completed, the user may be redirected to the trial instance URL, which in this example case would be – . The landing page for the trial instance may look like below-

As you would have already related to the fact that we have chosen to start our Dynamics 365 journey with the front of the house, i.e., Sales department, it would make sense to click the “Sales Hub” tile from the tile collection.

Sales Hub is the model-driven Power Apps which is built on the Unified Client Interface (UCI). For now, just remember that UCI is the way to go with Microsoft; we can get into the details of it in another post. And for a deeper understanding about Sales Hub, visit this link.

Voila! Welcome to the Sales Hub 🙂

Let us stop here for the sake of newbies trying to start their Dynamics 365 journey for the first time. In the next post, we will go deeper into subscribing and configuring the surround productivity tools like Office 365 components – Mail, Outlook, One Note, Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, etc. Cheers!